I Feel Corporate and Inspirational Too!

While doing some serious research on calendars recently, I stumbled on a gallery where:
Big Black Frames
Short Inspirational Titles
In Glowing White Text
Separated by a White Line
With Snappy Quotation Subtitles Below
Were The House Specialty

They looked nice. In fact, this inspirational poster framing style looked very polished and professional, which is what I think, “Corporate” is suppose to mean. I looked at lots of them until…

I got into the mood myself:

All good things come to an end, and what defines, “the end” better than a meaningless string of hitherto useful words? I don’t know, after all that lofty stratospheric, inspirational stuff, my mind just started to crave senselessness again. “Gibberish: Words into Song

That very same day (this is the truth) a friend of mine dropped off one of his business calendars in my mailbox. And what do you suppose I saw? Yes!
Big Black Frames
Short Inspirational Titles
In White Text
Separated by a White Line
Snappy Quotation Subtitles Below
Were The House Specialty

Anyhow, I’m not saying it’s cliche and we should all get rid of the BigBlackFrameGlowingWhiteTitleAndQuotation style of presentation. Come to think of it, it did inspire me to make this posting.

I think the best background for artwork, especially digital artwork, is just plain black. The shining text that results is just an elegant bonus. Now I’m guilty too.

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