Alright. Sure. The swastika is an ancient symbol found in a number of cultural contexts and therefore has more than one meaning and significance. It also, I suppose, could be described as a simple geometric shape…
But really, couldn’t they have come up with a better name? Did they have to use the word, “Swastika”?
How about: ElbowCurveTrap; BentCrossCurveTrap; CrookedCurveTrap; BoomerangCurveTrap; RunningCurveTrap; etc…
Screenshot of SwastikaCurveTrap by Ken Childress (KCC)
Screenshot of SwastikaCurveTrap Code from
Of all the surprises in Ultra Fractal 5, this is the last one I would ever have expected. I know some of these folks know nothing about art, but I’m surprised that they know nothing about history as well!
Technorati Tags: Ultra Fractal 5, Swastika, SwastikaCurveTrap, Ken Childress, History, Art, Classes without any class,
If you would have bothered to read the Wikipedia you link to, you would have found this:
Apparently it’s an established mathematical function which makes your objection even less valid.
Also, surely you understand that this has nothing to do with Ultra Fractal 5 itself. You talk about “they” but I am the only person responsible for the Ultra Fractal program, just like Ken is the person responsible for the KCC formulas. I don’t control the formulas in the database or the formula reference docs.