Lines. Motion. Color. Perspective. Whimsey. Wonderful.
X09202 by Joseph Presley
Whose woods these are? Don’t ask!
Let’s see my brother top this.
Calla Lily by Susan Gardner
I know what Freud would say.
Dead Wood by Michael Faber
Let’s see my brother top this.
Engineered in UF for UF engineers.
*Viewing availability in your area may be limited by Avalanche Publishing’s whims and/or the Fractal Universe Calendar editor’s influence.
Warning — prolonged exposure to the FUC pic may produce the following side effects: temporary loss of sentience, irresistable engineering impulses, extreme self-righteousness, acute rhetorical failure, severe urges to join a software cult, and erectile dysfunction (hey, everything causes that). Void where prohibited — or maybe just void.
Tags: fractal, fractals, fractal art, fractal blog, digital art, art criticism, 6 reviews using 6 words, maria k lemming, joseph presley, joel faber, susan gardner, michael faber, fractal universe calendar, fractal impotence, cruelanimal, orbit trap