Orbit Trap is a niche blog focusing on Fractal Art. It was published once or twice a week from August 2006 until February 2012, and after that about once or twice a month until September 2014 and then nothing at all for a year and a half until April 2016. It went dormant with no future in sight from April 2018 until March 2025 (7 years!) when it was resurrected on a whim. It’s anyone’s guess what comes next, but I think a 20-year run for a blog, especially one dedicated to the subject of Fractal Art (8 and a half in a coma) is pretty impressive. As of March 2025 there have been 507 postings since its inception. There are a few guest postings but 99% of the content is written by Tim Hodkinson and Terry Wright.
While the predominant theme on Orbit Trap is fractal art, making connections with the larger contexts of digital art and art in general has been the longstanding editorial perspective of the blog. The blog is as much about art as it is about fractals and as a result the commentary on Orbit Trap often clashes with what is commonly found within the fractal art world which seldom shows any awareness of the larger issues that surround them.
For a more detailed history of Orbit Trap, including its early, group blog days (2006-07), you may be interested in reading the following postings here on Orbit Trap: A History of the Orbit Trap Blog and also Welcome to Orbittrap.ca!. If you’re looking for postings made by the thirty or so contributors who joined the blog back during the group phase (06-07) those are archived on Blogger at the old Blogspot site.