As Orbit Trap rolls towards its first anniversary, Tim and I are looking back — and also looking forward.
Initially, we used a by-invitation-only process for selecting contributors to Orbit Trap. We have decided to change that policy in order to hopefully allow broader and more vigorous participation in the blog.
To this end, we are putting out an open call for new contributors.
If you would like to write for Orbit Trap, please contact us at the blog’s email address: orbittrap(AT)ambaka.com (replace the (AT) with @). We ask that you send us (or provide a link to) something you have written on a fractal-related topic. Tim and I will screen and select new OT contributors from among those who contact us and provide a writing sample.
We stress that we are looking for good writers. Orbit Trap is a blog – not a gallery or an art community or a discussion forum. Contributors are free to post art and links, but the emphasis of what appears on Orbit Trap is specifically geared to writing about subjects tied to fractals or fractal art. Review the archives to get a sense of the range of themes and issues. Better yet, bring us something new and inventive to discuss.
Orbit Trap has no one guiding ideology. We welcome diversity of opinions. Applicants should be aware, though, that Orbit Trap is an open, public forum. Our contributors are always free to challenge each other. We also allow anyone with a registered Blogger account to comment on all posts. If you are reluctant to have your opinions confronted and possibly disputed, you should think twice before asking to be a contributor.
Why do we have openings for new contributors? Tim and I have taken the initiative to remove all current contributors who have not posted in the last six months. We figure if you have had nothing to say in the last half a year, we assume you are probably not interested in being an active participant. Moreover, if you are a contributor who, for whatever reason, has made a this-is-my-last-post post, we assume you longer wish to write for this blog. If we are wrong in our assumptions, and if you were dropped but still wish to take part in Orbit Trap, you are welcome to apply for contributor status again through the screening process described above.
If you’d like to join us, we look forward to both hearing from you and reading you.
Tim and Terry
Technorati Tags: Fractal Art Contributors wanted Writing Group Blogging Submissions